Thursday, September 11, 2014

Chapter 4 - Marriage

I have discovered that my beloved Tristan is much older than he seems. His birthday comes even sooner than mine.  I must give him my potion of youth and make him drink it.

The stubborn man refused.

"Please, Cheri? For me?"

He has drunk the potion!

I'm foraging in Oasis Springs now, as well as Willow Creek.  Today I found this chrysanthemum.

Ugh, I fear that these are not honeybees!

Anyway, I'm so enjoying my lovely garden.

As well as my lovely kitchen.

And most of all, my lovely husband!

His writing goes well.  He no longer needs to work in the library since he was awarded this computer.  And look at the stereo he bought for my birthday!

We had cake for my birthday, as well.

Tristan threw a party.

Which devolved into a poker game.

Some private celebration later...

And now I'm pregnant!

As is usual for special occasions, the toilet decided to emulate a champagne fountain.

Please remind me again why I wanted this.  Ye watchers and ye holy ones, I'm enormous! I shall have an Insta-Lean potion the moment this baby is born!

The cycle of life continues:  Water the plants...


Spray the plants...


Harvest the plants...


Evolve the plants...

Give birth should come next.  It does come next, doesn't it? Give birth?!?  Please?!? I've been pregnant for seventeen years!!! GIVE BIRTH NOW?!?

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