Sunday, November 2, 2014

Chapter 13 - New in the Family

Yes, I am indeed well aware that my bride will be a challenge.  We have been close since childhood, after all.  Yvette is fragile; I'll need to observe both the spirit and the letter of my vows.  It won't be a hardship; I can't imagine going through life without her.

Yes, I'm also well aware that it's a challenging family I'm marrying into.  Mother-in-law and father-in-law are great; I'm sure that with a bit of effort I'll reach a modus vivendi with my brother-in-law.  As for my grandmother-in-law, well, it's a large house.
The wedding promised to go flawlessly.  Lia outdid herself with one gourmet item after another and Caitlin plays a mean piano.  The Grim Reaper did his best to ruin it by taking one of Caitlin's special friends but nothing could dampen my joy over Yvette's and my pledging our futures to one another.

The Reaper's visit and the wedding proved to be too much for Caitlin; Grim returned for her the next morning.  It's a shame that she won't know her first great grandchild.
And here he is! Meet Etienne Desjardins.  Yvette sailed through it like a trouper; me, not so much.

There's never a dull moment chez Desjardins.  I'm enjoying my son, learning the family business, keeping the plumbing in good repair and finding time for the occasional card game.

Lucien has a new project.  Yes, he read "Rocket Ship Galileo" too many times.  And yes, he and Lia inaugurated the ship properly.

Luc has a new project as well; her name is Bella.  

Speaking of Luc, he seems to have instituted a vendetta.  "My name is Luc Desjardins.  You have kissed my grandmother.  Prepare to die".

Yvette likes to stir the pot as well.

She's in a family way again.  Et quelle surprise! Les deux! 

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